Monday, 27 January 2014

Sunsets & Skiing

Sunsets & Skiing

Well the start of 2014 has been hectic. Lots going on and trying to get out and shoot as much as possible.

This last month I have been lucky enough to get to shoot the World Cup Half Pipe event at WinSport and I want to share a couple of photos with you from that even. And also we have been very lucky recently to have some amazing sunsets here in the rockies. I am truly very lucky to call this place home.

Rockies Sunsets:

Wow what can I say about this last month; we have had some unusually warm weather but with it came amazing sunsets almost every night. A landscape photographers dream.

Three Sister, Canmore, Alberta. This photo was taken just two minutes from where we are living, the sky turned an amazing pink/red colour and was just too much of an opportunity to miss. I grabbed my kit and ran out to get this.

Driving home from work I was able to quickly find a spot to capture the glowing sky over Yamnuska. On the edge of the Rocky mountains this is one of the most Prominent mountains here. It has great meaning and significance to the Native people of this area.

This event was awesome to watch. With Sochi just around the corner this was one of the events where athletes were pushing themselves to stand a chance at the canadian and other national teams. The photos below are just two of a few favourites of mine. Both are canadian athletes shooting for team Canada.

These events are crazy to watch in real life to get the true perspective of how high people go out of this monster pipe.

Meghan Gunning; blasting high out of the pipe, top female half pipe athlete. Unfortunately due to injury has to step out of the canadian team.

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