Sunday, 23 February 2014

Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis

Well this last week has been pretty awesome. We were luck enough to have two fantastic aurora shows. I managed to get out and shoot both, the first one I happened to catch on the way home from Calgary on the edge of the rockies by Yamnuska and grabbed a few shots before the snow came in. The second night was insane. I left work at 1030pm in Calgary and 5 minutes out of city limits there it was the Aurora. It felt like I was chasing it all the way back to the mountains. SO crazy to see it so early and so close to the city and it was strong too. 

If you have never seen the aurora it should definitely be on your bucket list. Its such an awesome natural wonder that every time fascinates me. 

"Sky Gazing"

This was taken from the first night. I decided to play around with a self portrait composition (my first attempt). This is just on the road from the highway to Yamnuska. The moon was also rising in the distance creating the glow on the horizon, even with this the colours stayed strong. It wasn't particularly cold temperature wise but I was still dressed from work and not the most ideal clothing for been out in the cold taking pictures. The aurora makes you just want to stare into space, you never want to look away incase you miss something.


This was taken the second night when i rushed from work in Calgary all the way to Lake Minnewanka in Banff National Park to meet a friend there to shoot the Aurora. This was probably the most intense Aurora i have ever seen the waves in the sky were crazy. I love it when you get the purple or red pillars in the sky. This picture really shows them hence the name and i just love the colour in them. When there is an Aurora Lake Minnewanka becomes one of the busiest places. With the lack of unnatural light, the clear view in the right direction it is the perfect spot to watch the Aurora at its best. 

"Let The Show Begin"

After arriving in Banff it didn't take long for the Aurora to become strong. This was pretty much the start of the show. Racing around to find composition with no light and trying not to get in peoples shot. This is take from the same location as the above photo shows a little more of the landscape. What you can't see is that the Aurora pretty much goes to the right as far as you could see. The best pillars were at this angle though


Towards the end of the night i ventured off around the lake a little to try and find something different and an area that was a little quieter. I found a couple of spots and too some shots then on my way back i found this area. With the lines in the snow created by the wind really leading towards Mount Aylmer and the Palliser range, I really liked this. Again I played with a self portrait on this. it was a little tricky to get in the shot without making footprints, I can't imagine what I would have looked like to others if they were watching. 

I think this picture is a fitting end to the night, peaceful, quiet watching one of the most beautiful natural wonders there is. Contemplating life and the future ahead, which is to be a fun year. When i actually headed back to the car most of the others had gone, and there was two more people who were just leaving. Which for me makes this picture more special. At this time there was only me enjoying what was happening. Or thats how I felt anyway

Thank you for looking and reading and allowing me to share my stories and pictures with you all.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Sunset, Mountains, Water

Sunsets, Mountains, Water

Three of my favourite things watching a beautiful sunset, been in the mountains and the beauty and power of water. 

Its been a while since my last update and lots have things have been happening, we have been from +10 to -30 in the space of a week and now back to plus temps. Definitely makes for some interesting shooting. Although the last few days the weather has been grey out but you have to try and make the most of it and the light. If the skies are grey focus elsewhere.

I have a few shots from the last few weeks I want to share all from in and around the Canmore/Banff area. I recently was also lucky enough to get my hands on a LEE Filter Big Stopper which allows me to shoot long exposures in day light, which makes for some interesting water, cloud anything that moves effects.

I am also now starting to let people know that my pictures can be purchased as prints so please pass on the word. People can email me at 

"Rundle Glory"

One of my favourite locations, although photographed a lot I think the Rundle skyline from vermillion lakes is one of my favourite views, especially when you get a good sunrise or sunset. This photo was taken from the banks of the 2nd lake a few weeks ago. It was not an explosive sunset but very subtle colours in the sky and I loved the foreground with the bushes, and a small reflection of the peak of Rundle in the lake. 

"Winters Grip"

After a week or so of warm weather we were greater by some sub -20 again. I ventured out with hopes of a glorious sunrise. Unfortunately there were no clouds to be seen but i found a new location to shoot the Three Sisters. Armed with the LEE Big Stopper I took this 5 minute exposure giving the Bow river that smooth silky look. Named Winters Grip because in one day winter took a hold again and the icy feel of the picture it just seemed to suit. I am also pretty excited that this photo was added to a slide show of a group I post in on Flickr. They make a biweekly/monthly slide show of the best posted pictures and this was on it. Not only was it on the slide show but when the group posted a link on Facebook this was the cover shot for everyone to see. I had a smile from ear to ear when I saw this.

"Winters Stream"

This photo was take the same day as Winters Grip whilst I was out walking Lexi. It was a cold ten minutes with my gloves on and off but I think worth it. Again with the LEE Big Stopper this is a 5 second exposure which really makes a great effect on the water. With all the ice around it i felt that winter was saying this is my stream, hence the name of the photo. I love shooting in really cold temps other than my hands getting cold but I think its worth it in the end. 

"Moody Sundance"

A different view from vermillion lakes to the classic Rundle shot. This is the Sundance Range. I actually ventured to the far side of the 3rd lake for this one somewhere I have never been. Although not really isolated it sure felt like it, especially with the weather at the time, a grey cloudy sunset. Oh and also putting my foot through the ice. Again with the LEE Filter i think it adds a really moody tone to the sky, a little bit of light showing through but the grey clouds holding it at bay. I actually really like this shot mainly because its something a little different from the classic views for me and also making the most out of a grey dull sunset. I feel like its a surreal scene.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Sunsets & Skiing

Sunsets & Skiing

Well the start of 2014 has been hectic. Lots going on and trying to get out and shoot as much as possible.

This last month I have been lucky enough to get to shoot the World Cup Half Pipe event at WinSport and I want to share a couple of photos with you from that even. And also we have been very lucky recently to have some amazing sunsets here in the rockies. I am truly very lucky to call this place home.

Rockies Sunsets:

Wow what can I say about this last month; we have had some unusually warm weather but with it came amazing sunsets almost every night. A landscape photographers dream.

Three Sister, Canmore, Alberta. This photo was taken just two minutes from where we are living, the sky turned an amazing pink/red colour and was just too much of an opportunity to miss. I grabbed my kit and ran out to get this.

Driving home from work I was able to quickly find a spot to capture the glowing sky over Yamnuska. On the edge of the Rocky mountains this is one of the most Prominent mountains here. It has great meaning and significance to the Native people of this area.

This event was awesome to watch. With Sochi just around the corner this was one of the events where athletes were pushing themselves to stand a chance at the canadian and other national teams. The photos below are just two of a few favourites of mine. Both are canadian athletes shooting for team Canada.

These events are crazy to watch in real life to get the true perspective of how high people go out of this monster pipe.

Meghan Gunning; blasting high out of the pipe, top female half pipe athlete. Unfortunately due to injury has to step out of the canadian team.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

New Years Day 2014

Happy New Year

Well as I said in my last post 2013 was an awesome year and here is the start to what will be another awesome year.

New years day i got to spend the morning shooting with Callum Snape. We ventured dow to Two Jack Lake in Banff National Park. This is probably one of my favourite locations to shoot, especially Mount Rundle, which is the classic shot from here. To me Rundle just has more character from this angle and Two Jake is a beautiful place.

To get the shot below we ventured out onto the ice looking for compositions. All i can say is it was creepy listening to the ice crack and make noises below your feet its a hard feeling to explain. Although we were not far out and the ice is pretty solid it still had a strange feeling. We were lucky enough though to catch an awesome sunrise to start the year off, different from the usual way of starting off the new year with a head ache and a coffee.

There were some awesome lines and shapes on the ice created by the winds we have recently had and we picked up some awesome colour in the sky.

After the sun had done its thing at Two Jack we headed back into Banff. New Years day in Banff at 10am is the quietest it will ever be. We decided to try and get a shot of Cascade from a classic view down Banff Av. I had the opportunity to use a 10 stop filter of Callum's to allow me to shoot with a longer exposure during the day.

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

2013- First year of Photography…... 

Well 2013 has been an amazing year for me both personally and professionally. Photography is always something i have wanted to get into and finally I have. This year photography has allowed me to see so many amazing things from sunrises to sunset and the aurora show too. There have been lots of early mornings and late nights but it was all worth it.

I have had the opportunity to shoot with some amazing photographers; two been Paul Zizka and Callum Snape. Both are huge inspirations to me in my photography. I am still trying to photograph anything and everything to help me develop in my knowledge and understanding.

I have put together a collection of pictures that I have taken throughout the year, mainly here in the rockies but also some from our recent trip to England and France. I have found putting together these pictures difficult, I have lots I like and lots more I wanted to post. Most of these are from June to December. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported my page on Facebook and to the photographers who continue to inspire me.

Happy New Year 

Castle Mountain, Banff National Park, Alberta; November 2013: Stopped on my way home from Lake Louise one day. The light wasn't great but I love this mountain. It was crazy to see the whole river frozen like that.

Unknown Location out towards Sibbald Flats; December 2013: Christmas was right around the corner and we went hunting for a christmas tree. I always love the shots of the Aspens where the focus point is the trunks and when i saw this little spot i just had to give it a go.

Cypress HIlls Provincial Park; December 2013: I spotted this Barn when i was out in Medicine Hat running a level 1 CASI course. It kind of just spoke to me. In the middle of a wide open field on its own.

Trans Canada Highway, AB; October 2013: On my way to work one morning I could see it was shaping up to be a beautiful sunrise, I wished I was in the mountains, but I took the opportunity to try a different composition with the fence line and the open fields. It proved to be an awesome sunrise regardless of been by the side of the trans canada highway

Johnson's Canyon Lower Falls, Banff National Park, AB; November 2013: This day was an awesome day, I had the opportunity to go out and shoot alongside Callum Snape, we started at bow lake and worked our way back to banff down the Bow Valley Parkway. It was -30 but this did not stop us. This was our last stop on the way out of Johnson's Canyon, it is an amazing place especially when all frozen.

Bow River, Canmore, AB; October 2013: This was a spur of the moment trip, there was a full moon nothing on TV so i took a wonder down to the river. The full moon was so bright it was fun to play around with.

Lake Minnewanka, Banff National Park, AB; November 2013: What a night. i had seen the aurora once before a long time ago but never like this. when I first arrived at the lake that night it was just a slight glow and then it grew into an amazing show. Light moving around in the sky almost like it was dancing. This was an cold but awesome shoot and I can't wait to get out in 2014 for the Aurora.

Eastland's Park, Calgary, AB; July 2013: These old cars are abandoned in the Eastland park area to the east of COP in Calgary. I took my camera out on one of my bike rides in that area and stopped to shoot them. This was my first time experimenting with a 50mm lens. I had a lot of fun with these. To me they tell a lot of stories about that area.

Canmore, AB; December 2013: Driving back to the house this guy was just standing at the side of the road so I took the opportunity (from the safety of my car) to get a shot. I once again used the 50mm. Such an amazing animal. Now time to find the 7 pointer that hangs out around this area.

Canmore, AB; October 2013: Again another random stop. i was hoping to get to a different area but i didn't realize it was as far away as it was and I did not have much time. I stopped at this small inlet area to the Bow River and played around with some reflections. It was a super grey day one of the early snowfalls.

Crowfoot Mountain, Bow Lake, Jasper National Park, AB; October 2013: This was another amazing yet long night. I had the opportunity to shoot with Paul Zizka out at Bow Lake. The weather was not really on our side but with the full moon we made the most of it.

Mount Rundle from Two Jack Lake, Banff National Park, AB; October 2013: Had an early morning shoot with a friend and fellow photographer of mine Trevor Rogers. I wanted to try and find a different composition at Two Jack lake than the classic ones so i wondered up the lake shore to find this. It was not the best or most spectacular surmise but the water was so still and provided us with some awesome reflections.

Yvoire Harbour, France; September 2013: A trip to France and the UK after our wedding was awesome. We visited the small medieval town of Yvoire. This small harbour was a cool little spot, not full of giant boats. This boat seemed like it had a story to me sat amongst the small yachts.

Passy, France; September 2013: This is my sisters driveway, i took this shot leaving for a day trip, felt it suited a black and white composition.